Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia

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Rejestracja: 4 lis 2011, o 12:05
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Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: hayden_sydney »


I am researching my family history (I am writing a book) and it appears that my ancestors come from Tczew, particularly Rukosin.

I know this because there are two records that specifically mention Rukosin:

345/297 Rukoczin
Johannes * 8. Febr. 1869
Eltern; Einlieger Martin OSSOWSKI und Anna RICHERT

42o/327 Rukoczyn
Franz Vinzent * 3. Apr. 1872
Eltern: Arb. Martin OSSOWSKI und Marianna RICHERT
Paten: 1. Franz GÖRSKI 2. Barbara SARNOWSKA

I have some questions:

- I believe that the surname of Ossowski is common in Tczew, does anyone know if there has been any research done on this family by a resident of Tczew?
- Is there a documented history of Rukosin? I cannot find anything on the internet about this part of Tczew

I have posted some questions on another forum, but have not received any response to date: ... v=&reveal=" onclick=";return false;

Would love to hear from any locals that may be able to assist me.

Thank you so much,

Sydney, Australia
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Pisarz Miejski
Pisarz Miejski
Posty: 4761
Rejestracja: 2 lut 2011, o 20:15
Znajomość języków obcych: English, Deutsch, Pусский
Lokalizacja: Najpierw Czyżykowo, potem Bajkowe, obecnie Górki, za jakiś czas - Rokitki :( ...
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: be-good »

The surname OSSowski is extremely popular in our area, in both spellings, as OSowski is also very common around here; one should not forget about the feminine form Ossowska / Osowska :)

To give you an idea of how frequent it is - the total sum of Ossowskis, Osowskis, Ossowskas and Osowskas living in the county of Tczew reaches almost 300 people :facepalm


Is the information provided above ALL you know about your ancestors?

It is not a secret, that at least two of our Forum members bear this surname :lol:

Even I could trace several women of this name in my family tree (some of them 200 years ago!) 8-)

Rukosin is in fact a village located about 10 kilometres to the west from the town of Tczew.
Your ancestors, presumably catholics (as majority of Polish population), must have attended this church in Lubiszewo, as far as I know the only catholic temple in the nearest area at that time:

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Posty: 8023
Rejestracja: 21 sty 2011, o 17:54
Lokalizacja: Tczew
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: LukaszB »

First of all :welcome on Dawny Tczew.
Does any of yours ancestors come directly from Tczew? We might be able to check e.g. parish books, town archive.
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Rejestracja: 4 lis 2011, o 12:05
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: hayden_sydney »

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for replying. I felt like I was going around in circles as there is little information online for me to use in my research.

Very interesting to know that Ossowski is a common name in the area - maybe we are all related! :lol:

I have very little information on the family that left Prussia in 1875 to immigrate to New Zealand. What I do know is as follows:

Martin (or Marcin) Ossowski b. 1837 - 1839
Married to: Anna Richert at age 22 (1859-1861)

F Berta Ossowski b. 1863
F Juliana Johanna Ossowski b. 1864
F Rosalie Ossowski b. 1866
M Johann Ossowski b. 1868
M Franz Ossowski b. 1870

So these are very common names and probably doesn't help anyone at all!.

The family was catholic and I assume that they were labourers because they received free passage to New Zealand to settle there and do labourer work.

This link is the only Poland based record that I could find, which has lead me to Tczew / Rukoshin: ... 00199.html" onclick=";return false;

Anyway, if I could get someone local in Tczew to help me, I would be more than happy to return the favour by sending a gift (is anyone here easily bribed by chocolates?) or paying for someones services to help me in my research... :ok I am happy to get into a discussion with anyone that may be interested.

I'm also interested to get some more information about Rukosin - as it is a very small village now - it must have been very small in the 1870's! Do old buildings still exist in the Rukosin area?

Thanks guys!

Hayden" onclick=";return false;
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Pisarz Miejski
Pisarz Miejski
Posty: 4761
Rejestracja: 2 lut 2011, o 20:15
Znajomość języków obcych: English, Deutsch, Pусский
Lokalizacja: Najpierw Czyżykowo, potem Bajkowe, obecnie Górki, za jakiś czas - Rokitki :( ...
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: be-good »

I have never tried Australian chocolate but it must be even better than Foster's beer :lol:

The thing is that in Poland, (and probably in all European countries) all marital records are moved from their original locations (registrars' offices, churches) to regional archives after 100 years; we (members of the Forum) MIGHT have some connections there 8-) .
On condition that they exist at all, as you could imagine that during WW2 paper was way cheaper here even than people's lives...

It took me three minutes to find out that there are still OSSowskis in rural areas surrounding Rukosin. The question is what we could do about it; I really doubt they might have their family records dating back to the middle of the 19th century (though it is worth a try...)

To conclude for TONIGHT (it is after midnight here :) ) - we have started our research - the results may appear in some time...

BTW, it could be much easier to provide you with photographic footage of Ossowskis' family origins, still it may take a while :)

Let us know what we could help you with,


Autor Tematu
Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 4 lis 2011, o 12:05
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: hayden_sydney »

be-good pisze:I have never tried Australian chocolate but it must be even better than Foster's beer :lol:
Haha..... someone knows their beer! 8-) Would be more than happy to send over some Aussie chocolate so you can see for yourself...!
be-good pisze:The thing is that in Poland, (and probably in all European countries) all marital records are moved from their original locations (registrars' offices, churches) to regional archives after 100 years; we (members of the Forum) MIGHT have some connections there 8-) .
On condition that they exist at all, as you could imagine that during WW2 paper was way cheaper here even than people's lives...

It took me three minutes to find out that there are still OSSowskis in rural areas surrounding Rukosin. The question is what we could do about it; I really doubt they might have their family records dating back to the middle of the 19th century (though it is worth a try...)

To conclude for TONIGHT (it is after midnight here :) ) - we have started our research - the results may appear in some time...

BTW, it could be much easier to provide you with photographic footage of Ossowskis' family origins, still it may take a while :)
Thanks for giving me this info and for offering to help me on my quest! I guess it's important for me to outline my goals, so I have something to aim towards:

1. Did the family live in the Tczew area temporarily or was the family from this area for many generations?
(? Was it normal at the time for people to move around like roaming nomads, or were they likely to stay in the same town/village for centuries?)
2. Did Martin leave behind any family (brothers / sisters etc) in Tczew when he and his family left to come to New Zealand?
3. If so, did this family continue to live in the area - also, what were their names etc?
4. Locate any records that confirm Martin's marriage with Anna
5. Find out Anna's ancestry also - was she from the same village or did she come from out of town?

So - these are very big goals for me to achieve and they may be impossible - but at least I could say I gave it a go and tried my hardest to find this information out.

You guys are awesome - thanks for helping me out. Would definitely like to repay the favour one day...

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Posty: 8023
Rejestracja: 21 sty 2011, o 17:54
Lokalizacja: Tczew
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: LukaszB »

I've checked a phone book and didn't find any Ossowski/ka or Richert in Rukosin but it means nothing. Perhaps they don't use land line ;)
The village belongs to Lubiszewo parish and we will look in the parish register for any information regarding your family.

Short history of Rukosin

Rukosin is one of the oldest villages in Tczews County. It had been mentioned for the first time in 1198 as Rukosino. Established and owned by the Knights of Malta Order who sold it to the Teutonic Knights Order in 1373. In 1613 Rukosin was bought by Tczews citizen von Rexin or Hornwalde. In XVIII century the village had 14 rural farms which soon become a large acreage farms. During the Interwar Period (1920 -1939) the biggest farms were owned by Toni Schendel (420 morgs) Fritz Neubauer (212 morgs), Arnold Schulz 179 morgs) and Józef Gołuński. In that time Rukosin had a shop, saddler, wheeler and, until 1936, a mill. During German occupation was renamed as Hornewalde and become a place for Bessarabian Germans resettlement. Population of Rukosin during XX century:
1910 year – 194
1921 – 176
1944 – 431
2006 – 130
Some Polish, German and American maps of Rukosin from 1803 untill 1944
Rukosin 1944 ger.jpg
Rukosin 1944 ger.jpg (121.45 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1944 ger.jpg
Rukosin 1944 ger.jpg (121.45 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1944.jpg
Rukosin 1944.jpg (49.6 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1944.jpg
Rukosin 1944.jpg (49.6 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1936.jpg
Rukosin 1936.jpg (208.17 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1936.jpg
Rukosin 1936.jpg (208.17 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1934.jpg
Rukosin 1934.jpg (61.71 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
Rukosin 1934.jpg
Rukosin 1934.jpg (61.71 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
1803 Rukoczin.jpg
1803 Rukoczin.jpg (74.4 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
1803 Rukoczin.jpg
1803 Rukoczin.jpg (74.4 KiB) Przejrzano 4335 razy
"Nasze czyny mogą jednakowoż przetrwać długo, o ile otrzymają potwierdzenie poprzez słowa świadków lub uratują pamięć dzięki spisaniu" Sambor II
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Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 20 lut 2011, o 09:36
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: fifinka »

Dear hayden_sydney ,

It is good to hear from you. :hi

My grandfather was born ( in 1922) and died ( about three years ago) in Rukosin.He spent all his life there and sometimes he was telling his children and us (grandchildren) about past Rukosin and its people ( his childhood memories), he also took part in II World War. After the War he was a postman there.

As a child I was there very often in 1990s and early 2000s,I loved to visit my grandparents. My family still lives there ( uncles and aunts).

I do not know much about Rukosin from XIX and early XX century but if you need some other help feel free to ask. :)

Autor Tematu
Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 4 lis 2011, o 12:05
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: hayden_sydney »

Hi LukaszB

Thanks heaps for those maps - regarding the 1803 map, is there are a larger & more complete version available somewhere online? I would love to include it in my research. Also, the details on Rukosin is fantastic and I will definitely include this in my book.

fifinka - it's great that i've met you because of a village so small, it would be rare to meet someone who is connected to the village! Do you remember any stories from your grandfather? It's a shame that he is no longer with us because those stories would be good to get written down and recorded.

Meanwhile, i'm still moving ahead with my research but trying to do so from Australia without speaking Polish has been challenging. Google translate has it's limits :facepalm

Thanks to everyone on here - you have all been very friendly and helpful. If you ever come to Australia, I would be happy to show you around! ::dawnytczew
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Posty: 13
Rejestracja: 20 lut 2011, o 09:36
Znajomość języków obcych: English (fluent)
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Re: Rukosin-Tczew / Ossowski Genealogia


Post autor: fifinka »

hayden_sydney pisze:fifinka - it's great that i've met you because of a village so small, it would be rare to meet someone who is connected to the village! Do you remember any stories from your grandfather? It's a shame that he is no longer with us because those stories would be good to get written down and recorded.
Yes, he was like a "walking encyclopedia" concerning Rukosin and the area. He lived in a little cottage with 3 rooms, a kitchen and later they built a bathroom there. The cottage was opposite a pigsty built by communists after II WW. Now we can still find the pigsy but it is not used anymore (it stopped be used when our government changed in 1980s).
Anyway my grandma nad granpa told me that after the war there lived 3 (or 4) families with them in the cottage. Each family had one room. The families were not our relatives. I have to ask my mum if they shared the kitchen :nea . Later when the families moved out my grandarents owned back the whole cottage. When I was a girl ( 1980s) my grandma decided to build a new house with a new standards and they ruined the old cottage.Grandparents had a field to till and an orchard.When they were building a new house they decided to give the orchard to my uncle ( one of their son) and he built another house and lives there. After my grandparents death his youngest son got his house so now there are my two uncles living there with their families in two seperate, close houses.

As far as I know before the II WW there where 3 German families in Rukosin and they had quite big farms and properties. It is possible to see their places and there still should be "a palace" that belonged to one of them. Now I remember one of the properties and know where it is.

I remember that my mum told me something about my great grandfather. I know that he wasn't a good and nice man :oops: and he moved to Rukosin (probably didn't live in Rukosin earlier- but I need to check it). My great grandmother died when she gave birth to my grandfather. :(

There where some families who moved to Rukosin after II WW from Russia.People called them "bearfoot Anthonies" because they were poor when the arrived.

I am going to my mum tomorrow and I am going to ask her more details about Rukosin and the area.She knows more stories because she spent more time with my grandparents as their "beloved" daughter :ok

I will write about my findings.


It is possible to visit the church in Lubiszewo ( Rukosin belongs to the church) and check the books. Priests had to and still have to write the books of births and deaths and marriges... in the parish.
The church" onclick=";return false;