I need help finding my ancestors :)

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Rejestracja: 4 lis 2024, o 18:33
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I need help finding my ancestors :)


Post autor: MKS »

Hey, I recently received some information on my Polish grandpa that my late nan had written after he died. I haven't been able to find anything out about his family from searching online, so I thought I'd try my luck here since he was born and possibly grew up in Tczew.

Heres the information I have on his family:
- Family name Klukowski
- Father Julian owned a canned food processing factory near the river, was also a colonel and a doctor
- 700 year old family with a bible
- They had a coat of arms: a boar's head with a crown
- Their house was requisitioned as Gestapo HQ in the war, was ministry of environment at some point, possibly in the 1980s or 1990s
- His sisters Clara and Agnesca ran a finishing school for young ladies

I'm not sure how much of this information is correct as it was written after my grandpa had died. The names are possibly spelt wrong.

He was at school in Warsaw when WW2 started. He ended up in a camp which he escaped then fought in the war in various places until he was made to come to England after the war. He never saw his family again after the war and my family has no contact with any potential relatives.

Any information anyone has on them or on where I could look would be super appreciated, It's been tricky trying to find things relying on google translate aha. Thank you :)

Posty: 324
Rejestracja: 15 lis 2012, o 08:51
Podziękował;: 316 razy
Otrzymał podziękowań: 382 razy

Re: I need help finding my ancestors :)


Post autor: Wałasz »

See here: https://www.ptg.gda.pl/language/en/data ... l-records/
Enter in "Surname" field Klukowski on left and click "Search" on right.
There are Klukowski Joseph with his wife Justina Hoppe, and later 2nd wife Catharina Brzeska in Tczew church record book.
There is also Klukowski Josef and wife Catharine Brzoza in Lubiszewo Tczewskie church record book. They have son Julian Joseph (1877) and Julius (1879), which name was also in form "Julian".
Julian (Julius) with wife Monika Kalinowski has at least two daughters - Martha (1906, live in Gorzędziej, baptism in Subkowy) and Agnes Francisca (1908, live and baptism in Subkowy). There was also Julian / Julius Klukowski with wife Monica Leczkowski (Leszkowski). They have also have daughter Martha (1906, Subkowy) and Helene Rosalie (1910, Zajączkowo USC).
It will be necessarily to check documents of these persons to find out which one is your ancestor. Check the column "Book" and "Picture nr" as well as "Strona" then try to find scans of records on this site: https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,list,68408,1
Unfotrunately, not all church books were uploaded except Subkowy but there are civil registers (USC).
Microfilms of catholic church books of Tczew are in Archive in Gdańsk: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/ ... pol/151602
You can contact with them: https://www.gdansk.ap.gov.pl/pl/top/kontakt-gdansk
Good luck!!!
PS. No "Klukowski" entries in Tczew Adress Book (1925) as well as in "Bau-Akten".
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MKS (5 lis 2024, o 15:43) • LukaszB (6 lis 2024, o 07:51)
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